Since late 1996, has since V-Brake flows into the market and substantially as a V-Brake brake shaft length. Combined with design to drag the brake cable (Kathleen Brake Cable) header compression brake shaft from the side. The drag did match the direction of brake shaft mobile. Force is pulling the brake cable brake shaft at all. Without loss. Delivers high-performance braking. However, due to having to set page break of the fabric parallel to V-Brake rim and drive only about 2 mm because the pull of the hand brake when short wheel slightly bent. Often clash with the fabric f brake lines to calibrate V-Brake. Should use the hand brake hand loosen knots head off about 5-6 reserve the spiral groove wheel of time crook suddenly. Will also be able to use hand brake winch head into knots again 5-6 spiral groove, which is a loose brake cable into a 5-6 mm and equal to that machine next to loosen brake. The rim away again at 1-2 mm above the brake shaft is older short break. Drag from the brake line drawn from the top. Brake shaft, but the mobile side. The drag direction perpendicular to the shaft brake mobile. Compression force is pulling the hand brake shaft brake is not all. It has some loss. Braking performance is lower than the V-Brake for braking older. Should adjust the brake settings page fabrics. To walk about 3-4 mm rim because the pull of the hand brake length. And to open the back (rear) of the break out a little fabric. Because of time compression brake force other hand. Rim to the front brake to drag the fabric slightly. Machine brake will experience a full-page cloth rim brake fit. Time will not stop the brake noise machine. Because older settings page brake machine brake. Relatively far from the rim when the wheel a little crooked. It will not clash with the fabric of f brake lines brake calibrate older. Should loosen knots head off a hand brake spiral groove 2-3 is enough. And should hand brake. The hand brake tail downward about 45 degrees from the plane.